Okay, time to get back to starting the blog. Three weeks after the disaster. It seems so long ago, but also so recent.
I'd been meaning to restart my blog, and the WTC, Pentagon, and Pennsylvania distasters gave me reason, but I kept putting it off. No more. I will write, drivel it will be, but I will write.
Or at least I will try.
So why is this entitled the Society for Aesthetic Deletions, especially in light of the National Tragedy? Well, that's what sfad stands for. My husband used that as a "company name" every time he installed software. Says it's from Heinlein, and maybe I'll eventually read some Heinlein some day. Or maybe not. Anyway, it was something he came up with, and I gave him this domain name for our anniversary. What a great wife I am!
lunchtime. Later.