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Gaming Stuff

Well, I got all the character concepts in that I wanted. 13 all totalled, not counting the one guy who bailed. So I decided to expand my group from 6 to 8 players. But making that one last cut was a killer. So I decided to set a deadline, of October 31, for character sheets to be in. And if I don't have all the sheets in, I go to my waitlist. I have at least one person I'd love to have in, maybe two more. That'd make three college students in the game (not the players, the characters), which was one of the reasons I was hesitant on one of the characters.

So now I have four character sheets in, and four remaining. I also have the sheet of the first guy on the waitlist. He's very anxious to play. I'm going to start at least three of the people in threads this weekend; more if I get other character sheets in by then.

But tonight, it's time to run my D&D 3E game, so I've got to think about what evil I want to befall them. I came up with some good ideas yesterday on what's happening right now, so we'll see how it goes. I'm going to be missing at least two players tonight, alas. Ah well, c'est la vie.

I'm working on a new section for ATF as well, one with the answers to the quiz questions on it. So a page for each character, with some of the vital bits they might want up and will let me publish. And I need to redesign the graphics for the navigation. I added one in later (the game summary one), and you can tell. So I have to redesign them all using the same program. I'm sure the original ones were in Paint Shop Pro from home, and the later one was from Photoshop at work. But that'll be up hopefully within a few days.

I also need to get back to working on my WEF page. I guess I'm going to go with an all black background. I may play around with the logo text not on black, to see if I can find a non-black background the shadow works on. But we'll see.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 26, 2001 11:03 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Another victim....

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