Found a transcript of James Marsters' Q&A from GenCon. One of the questions is mine (it's pretty far down, look for it summarized as: DOES HE WATCH MUCH TV OR MOVIES OR READ ANY BOOKS? I had that and another in mind, but when the Passions question came up, I had to ask what else he did if he didn't watch Passions.
Buffy was really good Tuesday night. I can now say I am pleased at how they brought her back.
I'm starting a game on DreamLyrics. I hope I can keep the game going. I get in moods, where I am all excited about running something, and then the excitement fades. So far, it hasn't faded much yet, but it's only been a couple days. See me in a month when it's actually work, and then ask me again. I'll have WEF, ATF, and this new game going. But I do feel a need to have another creative outlet, at least right now.