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November 2001 Archives

November 1, 2001

More Buffy

All the Way. This is Loey's Early Bird Review of the episode, which I have started to read after the episode is shown. I don't want to be spoiled this year. But I want the Musical Episode, darn it!

I was so upset at the Old Man Kaltenbach getting killed. In retrospect, too, after the episode. This is the second time something like this has happened to me this year, and I'll be damned if I can remember when the first one was. Need to rewatch some episodes. But it was looking so like he was going to be the baddie, then switcheroo, he's not, just going to cut up some marshmellow squares, with cute little pumpkins on them. Waaah! Just thinking about this again is making me all weepy.

November 2, 2001

Roswell scores

Joey Pants is on Roswell! Well, at least for a few episodes. Playing the latest incarnation of the shapeshifter. I may need to tape it next week while watching Smallville.

November 6, 2001


This is really annoying.

I think I've really gotten used to playing in face to face (ftf) games, and forgotten how it works in email/message boards.

I started TBE, and am checking it, like hourly, hoping people have posted.

I'm used to the immediate feedback. And I can't break myself of the habit. So when it takes four days (or more) for someone to respond, I get frustrated. And I shouldn't. Hell, before when I was a player in one of these games, I was lucky if I posted once a week. Then again, the game was a much slower paced game than TBE is, at least than I was hoping TBE to be at the beginning.

Oh well. I will have to learn to deal. And work more on WEF and ATF. Maybe work some on the website stuff for WEF.

I wish Adobe would make Photoshop for OS X.


Well, Lou's presents have been delivered. They just need to be framed now, so we can hang them.

Peter is too talented to live. I've told him that. He's also a metalsmith. Makes me wish I could create something tangible like that, something so beautiful. I'm terribly jealous. But not above having him do more work for me in the future.

The artwork, by the way, is from the inside cover of the CD booklet for Final Fantasy VIII. It's Rinoa and Squall, the two main characters from FFVIII. He couldn't do the feathers for Squall, they just didn't turn out right, and I had told him that was fine. The petals, as printed on some transparency paper, look excellent for Rinoa's picture.

I also got him the Snow White DVD, Nickel Creek CD, and the Roughnecks: Starship Troopers DVD.

One of the pictures is part of his Christmas presents too. We set our price limits so I had to split the presents.

November 8, 2001

Buffy, the Musical

Watched "Once More, with Feeling" again today at lunch. It was even better on a second viewing.

The first time I saw it, about half-way through I thought that it seemed familiar to me. I finally realized, at the end, why it did. It reminded me of The Bitter Suite, from Xena. There were a lot of heavy, emotional issues on the table, and a musical helped clear the air.

But with Buffy, while everything is out on the table, there's no reassurance that everything is all right now. Next week should be interesting.

November 12, 2001

Once More, With Feeling

Thanks to Michael, I have all the songs from Once More With Feeling on CD. He found them on a german site, and burned them to CD. He brought it to WEF and I burned a copy of the CD. One of the songs is VERY loud though, so I'm going to try to talk to a guy at work about trying to hook these songs into our sound board and maybe adjusting the levels. Bringing the others up to the loud one's level would be best, because the others are really too quiet. But I've already listened to the whole thing twice at work. Had to stop otherwise I'd be shouting lyrics...and I wear headphones when I'm at the 'puter at work.

WEF went pretty well on Saturday. Dawn even showed, amaze amaze! Unfortunately, people left early, and the co-GM wasn't there, so I don't feel I got a lot done. Not a lot at all. sigh. Well, we'll work on that next month, when Jim also won't be there.

November 15, 2001


(this is not to be confused with TurkeyCon, a LAN Party site. Lucinda & Grant coined the name years ago, but it is an informal gathering of friends.)

Getting ready to head to North Carolina. We leave early Saturday morning for our annual visit to friends for Thanksgiving. We're taking Jack with us, and picking Alex up on the way. At the Walt Whitman rest stop, if you can believe that. It makes better sense for all of us to do that, since he lives on Long Island. It'll save a lot of time on both parts. And with Jack's EZ Pass and BP gas cards, we should have a pleasant trip.

I just wish I could read in the car. I sometimes get sick, though it's happening less often now, so I may be in luck. I'm bringing books just in case, including the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

About November 2001

This page contains all entries posted to Society for Aesthetic Deletions in November 2001. They are listed from oldest to newest.

October 2001 is the previous archive.

December 2001 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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