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Cool tidbits and sundry

Wendi linked to me! She's a hella cool artist who if I won Powerball, I'd give her a ton of money to draw characters for me. And other art.

Sluggy Freelance was mentioned on Neil Gaiman's weblog. Sluggy's latest storyline looks to be an excellent one, allowing Pete to, as he puts it, stretch his narrative-art legs. I was getting worried...for a time there, it wasn't as funny or as compelling as it used to be. Maybe it was build-up to this, maybe it was minor burnout, maybe it was just a change in my humor tastes. But this new storyline is a bit more serious, and is also hella cool.

Plus, he noted in the header of the page my email to him about Sluggy being referenced in a Chicago Tribune online article! Okay, it wasn't actually mentioned in the article, but Sluggy was in the references at the end of the article, but it was still there.

Also, Paula mentioned me in her blog. I hate to tell her that I'm not currently residing in RI, though I work there. However, I am still an Aquidneck Islander at heart, since I grew up in Portsmouth, so that's okay. Hey, if we could find rent as cheap in RI as we have here, with as nice an apartment as we have and it was the same distance from our work and friends, we'd move.

Of course, with Paula linking here, this means that more coworkers might find my blog. Ah well, I'll just have to live with it. If anyone wants to talk to me about what I write in here, they're more than welcome to come by my office and talk to me.

I'm getting impatient for my laptop. I've gotten hooked on using a laptop with borrowing the iBook from work. With Lou playing Fallout Tactics on my desktop, I have to boot him off to check email and such. But I find that a pain, and not something I can bring myself to do often. Maybe it's just I don't like the desktop much anymore, maybe it's just I don't want to ask, maybe it's just me, I dunno.

So if Toshiba hasn't announced anything new by next Friday, I think I'll be calling CompUSA in Nashua, NH, and heading up to get the laptop.

Or, if they don't have them or I don't want the new one, I may go with a Dell or Gateway and pay the expense, since I can get the full version of Office XP when I buy from them, and the cost difference is really only the difference between getting the Toshiba w/o the software, and the Dell with it. But no Firewire. (sigh) I'm weighing whether or not it's worth it.

Worked on a graphical logo for the blog last night, and got one I really liked, but found it looked terribly sucky with the layout of the blog as I have it now. I may move to MovableType and experiment with their templates before deciding on a final version of the logo.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 26, 2002 6:08 PM.

The previous post in this blog was How many googles does a googlewhack whack?.

The next post in this blog is "Hope he tries something.".

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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