Decided to wait on the laptop. See what Toshiba gets out in a few days or so, and if nothing comes, then I'll get the 3005. Or if I don't like the new ones, I'll still get the 3005.
...sigh... But I really really want one now.
« Laptop update | Main | Well, Lou says this about my feet... »
Decided to wait on the laptop. See what Toshiba gets out in a few days or so, and if nothing comes, then I'll get the 3005. Or if I don't like the new ones, I'll still get the 3005.
...sigh... But I really really want one now.
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 21, 2002 9:53 PM.
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The next post in this blog is Well, Lou says this about my feet....
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