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One more reason to switch

I've been thinking about moving to Movable Type for this blog, because it allows comments. I hate pop-up windows, so I'd configure it like gamegrene, so that you add comments on the individual link archive, rather than a pop-up on the main page.

So, while returning the original pilot tape to my new (well, semi-new) co-worker Paula today, in a burst of synchronicity I noted she had a Hello Kitty calendar, and she pointed out the Totoro picture as her desktop wallpaper.

And Ian IM'd me a link today, the Hello Kitty Has No Mouth, from which I also found the 101 Uses for a Dead Totoro. Of course, Paula has not seen Totoro, just had a picture from an old job, and now I must bring in the video. She must see Totoro. She also made me remember I still have the big stuffed Totoro in my closet, where his whiskers need repair. I'll have to figure out how to repair them and do it, then return him to a more prominent location.

So Paula's site is just way cool, using dhtml and all sorts of stuff with layers that makes me extremely jealous of her abilities. And she uses Movable Type, and knows the people who created it, so if I run into problems, I can run to her. So I just have to find the time to design the new blog using MT, and then import the old entries. I've got it set up in a hidden directory here for my writing, so it's not like I need a new install or anything. Just have to add another blog.

But first, I must figure out the templates, and how to make this look like I want. And maybe a graphic for the top header, instead of text. Hmmm.

Photoshop, here I come!

And by the way, I love BlogScript. I can type out my posts using TextEdit, and then copy the text, run the script, and it posts it to my blog. Hella cool.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 23, 2002 3:18 PM.

The previous post in this blog was I was NOT this before.

The next post in this blog is Being sick sucks.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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