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Or, how you know you've become addicted to blogging.

Lou and I are driving to work this morning. We've had a ding on the passenger side of the van's windshield for about two years now. I even called the insurance company about getting it fixed before, but never got around to doing it. I even have insurance to cover the fix.

I noticed first on our way to New Hampshire that the ding isn't a ding anymore, but a crack. About an inch or so long.

Wow, I comment to Lou. We really need to get that fixed.

Pan to this morning, driving to work. We have just enough ice crystals on the windshield that it's a little hard to see, but there's nothing there worth scraping off. So Lou puts the fans on high, pours the heat (eventually) on the windshield, and we set off to work.

Windshield gets clear. I turn the fan down to the lowest setting, move the bar to be windshield and feet.

A few minutes later, the crack leaps from both ends, becoming about three inches long. Whoa, I comment to Lou, thinking in my head, I am going to have to make a blog entry about this! He asks me what, and then sees for himself.

We watch in horror as the crack spreads across the window at a rapid pace, until it is at least two and a half feet, maybe even three, in length, crossing all the way over in front of Lou.

My side only grew about two inches. Neither end has hit the edge of the windshield yet, but I watch the progress, looking at the little bits of dirt and salt and marking the progress by if it has hit those bits yet. My side has settled down after the initial spurt and a small amount of growth. Lou's side grew more slowly, but appears to have settled as well after about 10 minutes, it has advanced only a small amount, but it has advanced.

Of course, a big part of me is going ... I can't believe my first thought was about blogging the crack in the windshield. I am an addict.

Paula told me that I should take a camera and my Palm IIIc with me to Vegas and take pictures and make comments for a blog vacation report for when I return (no, I'm not taking the laptop with me). I thought about it, but thought I'd probably not actually do it.

Now I'm thinking I'll do it whether I plan for it or not. I just can't stop.

Oh, and I've got an appointment to have the windshield replaced on Thursday. Whoo-eee!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 4, 2002 1:59 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Hey look, I'm Brian's new car!.

The next post in this blog is All moved in, now have to unpack.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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