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Famous Photojournalist, Julia Frizzell...

Okay, it's been published!!

Online, you can only see the photo and no credit.

But if you peruse the March 5, 2002 issue of The Advocate (on newsstands now!), turn to page 16. Look at the bottom right, outside the box of the article.

There's my name. Photo credit for that photo of my boss, Kate Monteiro, in her "other life" as president of the Rhode Island Alliance for Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights. (okay, the website's nothing great to look at, but hey, they spend their time out there working hard, not designing web pages)

So now I just have to parlay this into another job...a well-paying (snarf!) one.

Comments (3)


Whee - you're famous

Johnny Vang:


morteza mirbagheri:

dear julia

i am morteza from Iran. i am studying Photojournalism in news univercity. i like to know something more about my job, please send me some document.

thank you very much for your kindness


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