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I hate you

Anne told me that today. She said to me in ICQ today that she has to read my blog every day, and then reads 90% of the links from my side blog, too.

I told her that I can understand that. Part of my morning routine now is checking out all those blog links.

I added two of Meera Barry's links to the sidebar today. She'd linked to me a while back from her Amber blog, and I'd just never gotten around to adding her. But I was reading her MT Fierce blog today, and had to comment on this. And in commenting, realized I needed to add that link in.

Of course, with Anne telling me that she checks my blog every day made me realize that I hadn't entered anything today.

I'm still trying to get BlogScript to work with MT. But I see that he has a new version up (today, after I spend all day yesterday trying to get it to work), and Ben from MT has volunteered to give me the new xmlrpc.cgi for MT 2.0. I'll have to see if the new one fixes what I had problems with on the old.

Of course, it probably won't fix the title problem, since it's just copy and paste text. I really need to learn XML. I'm sure I could make it work if I knew that.

Comments (2)

Thank you for the link!

Did want to mention that your review of Smallville was sent directly to my loves: they've been teasing me for watching Buffy (which I do mostly for Willow) so I was teasing them for watching Smallville (which they do mostly for Lex.) Now I have -two- hours of my Tuesday nights taken up...

No problem, MT!

So now I need to write up a Buffy bit on the Popblog, for this week's episode. Damn, this blogging is taking up too much of my time!

Should I give it up? Yeah, right!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 7, 2002 2:09 PM.

The previous post in this blog was More LEGO.

The next post in this blog is Synchronicity.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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