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I'm baaaack...

Well, I am back from Vegas. Took me a full day to recover, and I'm still not 100% yet.

I was given $300 for gambling money ($200 from Lou's parents, $100 from Lou's aunt and uncle). I was being very careful with my money. I kept $200 aside, and only used $100 to gamble with. And though I'll be posting a more detailed description of what I did each day, I came back with enough (counting a little bit that Lou managed to keep) for us to buy a PS2. So we went out yesterday afternoon, after a late breakfast/lunch, and bought one. Also bought an extra controller, though it looks like the old Dual Shocks we'd bought for our original PS would have worked. And two games - FFX and Twisted Metal Black.

Had to search FOREVER to find memory cards, though. Looked all over North Dartmouth, but had no luck. Then gave up and came home, and while I hooked everything up, Lou began to call around. Finally found two at an Electronics Boutique in North Attleboro, at the Emerald Square Mall. So we packed up and headed out again, bought the cards and headed home.

Lou wants to hit Foxwoods now, at some point. He really liked playing Blackjack, and managed to win at it. I was better at slots, believe it or not, though I enjoyed Blackjack too.

More later, I just needed an entry in here!

Comments (1)


Yay, you're back! I finally have something to read again at work. Can't wait to hear more about your trip.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 24, 2002 3:37 PM.

The previous post in this blog was No, not the BeeGees.

The next post in this blog is I sing in the forest....

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