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What, me worry?

I had a dream last night that woke me up. We were late getting to Lou's parents on Saturday, for the trip. Like, REALLY late. Like our flight leaves at 5:10 or something, and we were supposed to be at their house at 1:00, and it was almost 7:00 at night, and I knew we were late but thought we would still make it. Even though we hadn't hardly packed.

It woke me up. I think I need to start packing now, getting prepared, so I won't be all nervous.

I'm not usually nervous about trips. Lou and I fly at least once a year, to GenCon, and usually take long and short trips throughout the year. I never get nervous like this, never have dreams like this.

Maybe it's because we had absolutely nothing to do with the planning. We're just supposed to show up, and Lou's parents have taken care of everything. Yeah, that's probably it.

But I am going to start making a list today and tonight, of things I want to bring. So I can go through it Saturday morning and make sure I have everything.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 13, 2002 11:20 AM.

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The next post in this blog is At least it's not this weekend....

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