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...and then we all died

Last night was the last game session of Pat's great experiment.

I wrote about Pat's previous game before, the one where lots of PCs died. And this game was a response to those who had characters die, but wanted to play evil ones. He wouldn't allow it in the old game, since it was a heroic game.

So this game, we all have to work together, or we'll die.

Guess what happened?

I must admit, I missed last week's session due to dentistry. If I had been there, the great experiment might not have ended, because there is very little way that I would have, in character, agreed to the plan that they had devised in my absence. Ah well.

We got captured by bandits. They were going to ransom us. Or kill us. We tried to talk our way out, but that didn't work. Then we tried to escape.

And we all died.

But this means that next week he can start the Wheel of Time game he's been wanting to run since we gave him the first books to read. (heh heh heh)

He's going to run it as if we were the main characters in the books, but not using the same characters. I really don't think it's the best way to run a WoT game, but I'm willing to give it a try. Lou might not, though.

And I really do think that the person playing The Dragon Reborn should have read the books. Right now, the current front-runner is someone who has only read the game book. Not that I want to play the doppleganger of Rand, mind you -- my mind is already filled with Aiel, Wolfbrothers, Aes Sedai, Wise Ones, Warders...can't...decide...what...to...play... -- but still...

I'd love to Lou to play an Aes Sedai and for me to play his Warder. That'd be fun.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 26, 2002 3:49 PM.

The previous post in this blog was "Cannot help but roll my eye over this".

The next post in this blog is Oh dear....

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