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Famous Friday Five

1. If you could eat dinner with and "get to know" one famous person (living or dead), who would you choose?
Oh geez, this old party game. I don't know ... off the top of my head ... Queen Elizabeth. I'd love to know more about her, if she'd be willing to talk to me.

2. Has the death of a famous person ever had an effect on you? Who was it and how did you feel?
Not that I recall. Like Anne, I sometimes watch the Oscars to recall who has died in the past year. Most of the time I'm surprised by them, even though I know on some level I was aware when they passed away. A year or so later I have forgotten, and I go "oh no..." all over again.

So no, I can't say that a famous person's death has ever really had a real effect on me.

3. If you could BE a famous person for 24 hours, who would you choose?
Okay, here's a follow-up. Would I know I was that person? I mean, really...I could be Yasser Arafat, or Osama Bin Laden, and not know that I was, and therefore not be able to change anything.

See, I'm already going against the celebrity types, be Brad Pitt or Julia Roberts for a day. Not really interested, thank you. With all that is going on in the world today, I'd want that 24 hours to make a difference.

Though I could say Kiefer Sutherland, and then get 24 hours spread out over a whole year. (heh)

4. Do people ever tell you that you look like someone famous? Who?
Not that I recall. Though lots of people have been telling my sister-in-law she looks like Geena Davis. I still think no, especially as she's way too short. :)

5. Have you ever met anyone famous?
When I worked at St. Andrew's School, I got to meet Andrew Robinson. He had actually attended the school, back when it was a school for troubled young boys. I was so thrilled...and this was just when DS9 was starting out, so Garak was a minor character.

I've also met JMS and Bruce Campbell, but that was in autograph signing stuff, so I don't think it really counts, alas.

Comments (2)

Ah. I've met JMS, too -- at the SDCC, a couple of times, including one late-night session where he had brought down an unaired B5 episode, but then it turned out there were no projectors that could show it. He was no less disappointed than the folks there, either.

And that's not counting some interchanges on the B5 List. :-)

Not that he'd know me from Adam, of course.

Ah, but was your picture with JMS in a national magazine? :) I had him sign and hold up a copy of ToyFare, and had someone take a picture of the two of us, then I sent it into ToyFare magazine for their "F.O.O.T. (Friends Of Old Toyfare) Soldiers," and it was published!

Of course, I'll always remember him as the guy who wanted the MST3k version of The Crawling Eye, and emailed me about it, since I'd mentioned on the Sci-Fi forums on Compuserve that I had it on tape. This was before B5 was out, but it was like three years later before I sent it to him.

Another minor brush with fame, but it's all I got, baby!

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