The new computer has arrived, along with the nice new display. I only have the 15" one, but I'll live. Especially as I have the 933MHz PowerMac, the one with the dual monitor card. So I can plug in my current 17" display and use both, which I am planning on doing.
This machine is so SWEET! I just have to decide if I want to partition the drive before I go much further. The main reason I had for partitioning is not really applicable - I used to have one sized with just enough space to burn a CD, as I was using that to set up config CDs for the computers. But since getting the external Firewire drive, I've been using that instead. We have very few computers now that don't have Firewire ports, and we'll be phasing those out.
So there's not much of a need. I also have a partition for all my own junk, that I don't want/need backed up. That's tempting, but right now it pretty much holds most of my MP3 collection, and my own web design stuff. Those could be easily moved elsewhere so they won't get backed up on the work system (and yes, I've configured our backup server at work to automatically not back up MP3s anyway).
It's nice to go from a Yikes PCI 350MHz with 256mb of RAM and a 10GB drive to a 933MHz with 512mb of RAM and a 60GB drive. I'm just disappointed I won't have more time to play with it this week. Fun will have to wait until Monday.
And I have to keep my 17" monitor. Where else will my FFVII PVC figure collection live?