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Weight Watchers Update

Having not been to weigh in since February 6, before our trip to Vegas, Lou and I were expecting the worst.

And were both totally shocked, when I had stayed the same and he was only up one pound. Lou was expecting a 10 pound increase, with allowances for more.

So we celebrated, and went to Applebee's last night. We had terrible service at our local Applebee's a few weeks back, and our friends had similar problems a few days later. We thought we'd give them another try, on a less busy night and an earlier time.

Well, the waiter was more attentive, but we never got our appetizer and my steak wasn't medium, like Lou's was, but medium-well.

We aren't writing them off just yet, but we may have to find another location than the one in town to frequent.

We skipped out on the meeting after the weigh-in. Lou has developed an aversion to the meetings; I don't know why, and neither does he. And to top it off, yesterday was "Easter Bonnet" day, which I have been fortunate to miss, since Lou went to his first before I started going with him (he and his mother started about a year before I joined).

We love our leader, June Gesner. We really do. But sometimes, things just go a bit overboard, and we must flee.

Now it'll be interesting to see how we do at next week's weigh-in.

Comments (2)


Do I even want to know what "Easter Bonnet" day is? I usually don't stay for meetings because I'm either wrangling Will or heading to ATF :)

It's not that bad. Everyone wears an Easter bonnet. I think the crazier, the better. And then she leads everyone in a group sing-a-long, with Peter Cottontail and other Easter songs, I think.

We wisely stay away from the wierd things. Though sometimes they can be fun. :)

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