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Eating Out Friday Five

1. What is your favorite restaurant and why?
Hmm...tough call. I'd have to go with Little Chopsticks, on Smith Street in Providence. They have the best Chinese food I've eaten, and they're friendly and good to Lou and me. When we were dating, we'd meet for lunch every Friday there, as we both worked in Providence. It was the person who got paid that week who picked up the check. We continued that until I started working at St. George's, in Newport.

2. What fast food restaurant are you partial to?
Fast food? Hmm...I am partial to Subway. I also love McDonald's, but they're much too greasy. And though my favorite ever was Kentucky Fried Chicken (now KFC), I just can't eat it anymore. I spend an hour in the bathroom afterwards. No good. (sigh) I miss Extra Crispy (not Extra Tasty Crispy) chicken.

3. What are your standards and rules for tipping?
Having worked as waitstaff, I reward good service, over-reward excellent service, and under-reward mediocre service. In MA, our tax is 5%, so we can triple the tax easily to get the right amount, but I never do. I divide the bill by 10, then divide that in half, and add the numbers together, adding or subtracting for excellent/mediocre service. And I don't usually remember to cut out the alcohol.

4. Do you usually order an appetizer and/or dessert?
One or the other. Since WW, gone are the days wherein Lou and I could order separate appetizers and separate desserts, and eat them all. So depending on our mood and what restaurant it is, we'll get an appetizer to split and skip dessert, or skip the appetizer in hopes of having room for desserts, split or individual.

5. What do you usually order to drink at a restaurant?
If I'm in the mood for alcohol (and depends on the meal), I'll get White Zinfandel or Merlot. Otherwise, it's usually Diet Coke and water. On rare occasions, I have a mixed drink, usually something fruity that's a speciality of the restaurant.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 12, 2002 2:15 PM.

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