I get to move into a new office today. Well, probably over the next few days. The guy who moved on left a lot of stuff in there, and I need to get that all out, and possibly move desks around, before I can really move in.
Plus we need to keep his two computers up and running so others can access it. Right now, my boss is futzing around with one of the computers, so I really can't just move it, alas.
But here is what I'm going into:
Yes, I get a window that doesn't look out onto another office! Even if it will take me days to move in, I will be there!
Comments (1)
Yay! Nice office, I'll have to get you something cool to hang in the window :)
Posted by Anne | April 17, 2002 2:51 PM
Posted on April 17, 2002 14:51