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Sorta like the Friday Five, but not...

Monday Mission

Like Anne, I'm doing this because I wanted to answer some of the questions, but it may not become a regular thang...

1. What caused your last case of psuedo-road rage?
I don't drive all that often. My husband prefers to drive, so I let him. We have occasionally silly times where we race to the car to see who's going to drive. So I drive maybe once a week, which means I really can't recall the last time I got pissed at a driver.

2. Tell me about one of your favorite television shows that was cancelled (past or present).

I went through this phase, back in the 80s, where whatever show I was watching and loved with all my heart, would be cancelled. So I started watching things like the A-Team, just to get them cancelled. Didn't work, alas.

I have no memory for this stuff. I was disappointed that Invisible Man got cancelled, but Lou and I had stopped watching it before then. I am enjoying the reruns of Now & Again on Sci-Fi, but I didn't watch them on network TV. I recall being upset when Square Pegs got canned. I recall being really upset when Spy Game and Strange Luck were bagged. I'm still cheesed that Batman Beyond is gone, though moving it off of Saturday mornings to weekday afternoons meant I didn't see much of it.

3. Have you ever gone online and pretended to be someone else? What's the story there?
No, not really. I do have a hotmail account I have told no one about, and use it for two specific mailing lists, which do not have my real name on them. And no, I will not talk about them with you.

In my early days online, back when I was on local BBS's, people (read guys) didn't believe I was a woman. We all finally met up at the people's house from where the BBS was run, and then they began to believe.

4. What was (is) one of your favorite Children's books?
The Black Stallion series. I read and reread and reread them all the time. Have them all somewhere still, I think.

5. Can you recommend a CD (tape or otherwise) for me to listen to on the drive home?
For me, driving home is relaxation time, and many times it's no-words-to-music time. So I love to put in any of the Final Fantasy Soundtracks I have, and head home. Unfortunately, they're four CDs each, and I don't carry them with me. I want an MP3 player for my car.

But if you want to bop to some groovin' tunes, put on Barenaked Ladies Gordon. Totally rocking CD.

6. What is your online nickname and what is the story behind how you selected it?
I have two, do you want to hear about them? Sure you do...

My first online handle started on Compuserve. My brother (who is 11 years older than me) and I were playing Bard's Tale on the Commodore (64, maybe 128), and needed help. So he told me we could sign on to Compuserve, there were forums for downloading stuff. We used my credit card (I had one for college), and his handle, Dazzler.

Later on, since I was paying for the account and it was pay by the hour, I changed the password so that he couldn't go online on my dime. But I kept the nickname.

It comes, by the way, from the way he "dazzled" everyone on the golf course, or so he said. He's a golf pro.

I kept Dazzler for years. I even respond to it when people call me "Dazz" or "Dazzler." I had no idea there was a comic book character until someone told me, and gave me a few of the roller disco issues so I could read up.

My first email account outside of CIS kept the Dazz name, dazz@io.com. But as things moved on, I left the name behind. I needed a new name, I don't know why, but I just felt like I did.

So Glyneth was used. Glyneth was my original Heartwood character, a RuneQuest 3rd edition game using the GMs own world, not Glorantha. That name I got from combining Glynis and Gwyneth. Glyneth was a very tough, take no crap character, who had a sweet spot for one guy, but was going to remain a virgin, frell it, so she could become a StarRider and get her unicorn mount!

The game slowly disintegrated, as the GMs marriage dissolved. I tried to keep playing, but the spirit of the game wasn't there anymore.

I started with glyneth as my handle when I stopped paying for CIS, and needed local dial-up access (io.com being in Texas). I found a provider, and glyneth was used. I've kept it at various email addresses since then.

Glyneth is not likely to be used, but Dazzler and its variations were. I think that's why I switched. There is only one other Glyneth out there (though looking online tells me of a Jack Vance character of the same name, in some book somewhere), and she took my name on yahoo, frell it. So there, I'm glynethkoromov, my character's last name (well, she was Glyneth Blackthorne, then found out her da was not her da, but another man, with the last name of Koromov).

I was glyneth on AOL once, and have long-since forgotten the password, so on AIM I'm CalderCFS, for a Fading Suns game called Children of the Fallen Stars (aka CFS), wherein I played Calder.

There, more than you EVER wanted to know about my online handles.

7. Ever been bitten or stung before (snake, wasp, dog, etc)?
Probably by a wasp or bee, once or twice. My cats have bitten me, but in play. As my dog Casey did, when I was younger. But other than that, not that I can recall.

BONUS: Does anybody love anybody anyway?
I love you whether or not you love me.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 15, 2002 3:33 PM.

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The next post in this blog is M.U.L.E. Revisited.

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