1. What's your favorite TV show and why?
Damn, tough question. Right now, at this moment, I'd have to say Farscape. Followed very closely by Smallville, Angel, and Buffy, in that order. Buffy just hasn't quite hit its mark for me this year, while Angel has found its stride and taken off like gang-busters. Smallville is regularly enjoying.
But nothing can beat Farscape. It is an original, engaging sci-fi show, and there aren't that many of them out there these days of this quality.
2. Who is your favorite television star?
See, you had to say star. Actors can be actors and not be stars. Who is my favorite television performer? That's the question I'll choose to answer. Rob Lowe, on West Wing. He is one of the main reasons I watch that show when my husband does. He gets all the best lines, and it's just a joy to watch him deliver such well-written lines.
3. What was your favorite TV show as a child?
Child? How old? What's considered a child? I have no idea. Hmm...I guess I'll have to go with the answer I blogged about -- Dungeons & Dragons, the cartoon. I endured watching the end of Jem in order to catch this when it started. 'nuff said.
4. What show do you think should have been cancelled by now?
The Mummy cartoon on Saturday mornings. Please. Just go.
5. What new show do you hope escapes the axe this season?
One that's in danger of it, or just one in general? I hope Alias escapes the axe, even though I haven't been keeping up with it like I want to.