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Dreamy Friday Five

1. What's the last vivid dream that you remember having?
Oh, I have no clue. I remember dreams for a few hours, then they fade.

2. Do you have any recurring dreams?
Not that I recall.

3. What's the scariest nightmare you've ever had?
No clue. Haven't had a nightmare in a long time. Takes a lot to scare me that way.

4. Have you ever written your dreams down or considered it? Why or why not?
I had a dream journal at one point. I still have it around somewhere at home. I think I got about three dreams in there, and stopped. I wanted to start remembering more of them, for longer times, so I started writing them down. My friend Dawn did, so I did too. But it just never stuck in my head.

5. Have you ever had a lucid dream? What did you do in it?
Not that I recall.

Bonus: What are you doing for the long weekend?
Tonight is ATF, they're doing a dungeon crawl. We'll see how this all shakes down. They have to defeat everything (and not necessarily by combat) to gain control of the floating city. It is NOT going to be easy.

Tomorrow is breakfast with Jack, then he's on his way to NYC. Lou and I may go bike riding (he got hooked again when he used the LifeCycles at TBR), or may just hang around. I need to go into work (he doesn't know that) to check on some things on Saturday, so I may try to convince him to go to dinner out at Fire & Ice or The Cheesecake Factory, at the Providence Place Mall.

Sunday is breakfast with Lou's parents and possibly his brother&wife. This is a combination Mother's Day/Father's birthday present. Sunday afternoon is the D&D game, which is making us miss my mom's cookout. But we will be missing the next two Sundays for the game (the first one we don't play, and Lou's going to be on his way to his conference the next week), so we don't want to miss three in a row.

Monday is nothing until the Monday night game, though we may get in some more bike riding (if the weather holds).

A movie (About a Boy, or Star Wars again for me) is not out of possibility, either.

Not a really big-agenda weekend, but this'll be fun.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 24, 2002 1:31 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Weekend of Addiction.

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