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He's baaack!

Just caught the teaser trailer for The Matrix Reloaded. Excellent quality vid...beautiful images, makes me want it NOW.

Oh yeah, and he's back.

I watched it through once, then went through it frame-by-frame. Why do I have to wait for 2003??

Oh yeah, because they've gone through about thirty cast changes, or at least thirty attempts to get some great Hong Kong action stars to be in it, and they all saw the script and walked.

Plus, the Wachowski brothers decided they didn't need Woo-ping Yuen. (rolling eyes)

[though, IMDb notes that he's listed as the "action choreographer." Maybe they did get him back?]

Anyway, this will tide me over while I hide from the AotC spoilers.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 16, 2002 9:12 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Back...no Star Wars.

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