Commentary without much to say is gone. Sean dropped blogging. Now I guess I'll just have to email him for his Freecell percentages (sigh).
Wendi has trashed her Confessions of a Working Woman, but is still blogging, at Wendiblog.
I've also added in the Thursday Thumb-Twiddler to the Other Bits section.
And can I just say how much I lurve server side includes? Why did it take me so long to change my linkages to ssi? (sigh) So much easier to update, and no rebuilding necessary.
Highly recommended folks, if your host supports ssi.
Comments (1)
My entire site runs with SSIs! Each blog in the sidebar is an SSI within a DIV set to show or hide. :-)
It changed my blogging life.
Posted by paula | May 23, 2002 6:15 PM
Posted on May 23, 2002 18:15