No Friday Five this week. She's moving to a new host.
So, here's what I'm doing this weekend, alluded to in an earlier post.
- Trip to the bank with Lou, to up the amount we pay on our credit card consolidation loan, to pay it off four months early (we hope).
- Trip to StillPoint to let Jack know we're done at the bank, and he can spend the evening with Lou, doing Guy Stuff.
- Chow Yun Chat with Anne. Going to bring Escaflowne and Farscape DVDs, just in case.
- Breakfast at Percy's Place with Jack and Lou.
- Spider-Man with the above folks, 10:30 a.m. show.
- Rilla & Gevrok D&D stuff, with the above folks.
- Dinner somewhere, eating in or out, unknown at this point.
- NOTHING! mwahahahahahahaha!
- So probably going to spend some time with the hubby, playing FFX, maybe watching Farscape (he's not seen the last few episodes), oh, and probably reading Diplomatic Immunity.