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I decided a few weeks ago that I was going to stick to the Weight Watchers diet for the month of June.

I didn't really remember until yesterday afternoon that June started on Saturday. Oops.

Well, I am still going to try really hard to stick to the plan. I won't post my meals and their point values here (well, not often), because for the most part, I stick to the plan for breakfast and lunch.

It's the dinners that kill me.

Here's my typical day'o'food:


Large travel mug of tea - 2 points (one for each teaspoon of sugar)

Cereal bar or Granola Bar (3 or 4 points, respectively)

Total: 5/6 points

Today - Tea, Granola bar = 6 points


Diet Coke - 0 points (occasionally water, also 0 points)

Weight Watchers/Lean Cuisine - 4-7 points, depending on the meal. Most often it's around 5 points.

Unsweetened Applesauce or Fat-Free Vanilla or Chocolate pudding - 2 points

Fruit - 1 or 2 points (depends on whether it's an apple or banana)

Total: +/-8 points

Today - Santa Fe Rice & Beans, Vanilla Pudding, Apple, Diet Coke = 8 points

I'm also drinking water now.

This brings me to a total of 14 points so far.

I have a POINTS range of 22-27 (I think...I don't have my materials with me). So that leaves me 10 points for tonight (on average). I guess this means small Subway lowfat sub. No cheese (waah!), no mayo (waaah!).

But I want to stick to it. I want to get past this frelling plateau of 175 lbs. and drop the last 10 pounds.

If I can do it, then maybe I can get Lou to buckle down and drop the 100+ he needs to drop. Maybe.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 3, 2002 3:23 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Weekending.

The next post in this blog is Rawr!.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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