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Farscape Season 1 Complete!

The Digital Bits says:

Also, ADV has announced the DVD release of a Farscape: Season One box set to street on 10/29 (SRP $149.98). The set will feature all 22 episodes on 11 discs, packaged in 6 keep cases with a newly-designed slipcase box. Extras include episode commentaries, conceptual drawings, video profiles. Note that these are the same discs already available individually.

I have just the first two DVDs, now I can get a complete set in one box. Yay!

Comments (5)

Man, I love FarScape, but I don't see myself (re)watching it enough to warrent $150 for the entire season, not to mention the shelf-inches it will take.

When we get video on demand at $0.50 for the episode download ...

$150 for one season?! Ha! Let's see, the box for season two of Buffy is what, around $50? With the price at that level there's pretty much no chance of me ever getting this. Feh.


$150? Eek! Kevin and I were just talking about this since we want to actually see the back episodes and figure it out rather than just jumping in now to the show and being utterly lost. But at that price we'll be borrowing, not buying. If I'm gonna spend that kind of money on DVDs, its gonna be anime!


According to Amazon.com, the Box set will sell for $112 which is much cheaper than $150;


www.Smeetch.com is selling the Farscape Season 1 Box set for $77.49. You can't go wrong with that price, even with shipping it's still under $85.

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