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NYC Teaching Fellows

This really belogs in both News and in Other Blogs, but we'll stick this in Other Blogs.

In my "blogroll" as many call it (I call it my bookmarks, my sites I check multiple times daily, daily, and every other day or so), there's an entry named "Teacher: Year One." This is going to be the journal of a good friend of mine, named Jeanne Thelwell. Jeanne was a lawyer, then an entrepreneur, then a web designer, amongst other things here and there, before she decided that she wanted to "feed her soul," to put it in her words. She decided to start teaching.

New Faces in Class, and They Hold Chalk [New York Times, free registration required]

While Jeanne's not quoted in the article, it does give a good summary of what the New York City Teaching Fellows are trying to do.

And let's hope she'll share her experiences of first-year teaching with us on her blog, since she has to journal anyway.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 18, 2002 8:45 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Busy Busy.

The next post in this blog is BirdCam Update.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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