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Old Friday Five

Friday Five was late this week, so I started answering one from my birthday week, last year. Will do the real FF later today.

1. If you were to go to a movie this weekend, which one would you pick?
Interesting. Anne asked if I wanted to see Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood with her, since we're Chow Yun Chatting this weekend, and I was kinda, "eh?" Could take it or leave it. Windtalkers is coming out, but I'm not in a rush to see it, nor Scooby-Doo. Bourne Identity looks neat, and I love Matt Damon. So I think that, or a repeat of Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones would be my choices.

2. What movie would you like to rent this weekend?
Not big on renting movies, so I can't say there's one that I want to rent and see.

3. What one TV show do you always try to watch?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Now that it's in reruns, it'll be Farscape. Even got the husband rehooked on watching. Go me!

4. If you (and your S.O.) were cool with it, what five celebrities (at the most) would it be 'ok' for you to have a fling with?
Oh, the list of three from Friends, eh? Hrm. For me it'd have to be ... Ewan McGregor (yum!). John Cusack (oh yeah!). Colin Firth (love the accent, and prefer him over Hugh Grant). Michael Rosenbaum (he can even grow in his hair if he wants. Rrrooowwwr!). Brendan Fraser (mmm...tasty...mmmm). Darn, that's the five? ::sighs dramatically::

5. How do you plan to spend your weekend?
Dinner with Anne tonight, and then chatting afterwards. Going to show her the wonders of FFX. No idea what's planned for Saturday, and Sunday Lou heads off to his conference, leaving me all alone. I am supposed to do something with my sister-in-law for dinner. Have to send her an email to double-check.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 14, 2002 10:52 AM.

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