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Thursday Twiddles

1. If you had the knowledge, would you inform your mate (or a parent) that they have an incurable disease? Or would you try to keep the truth from them (assume they are in full command of their faculties) for as long as possible?
I'd tell them. I really think there is nothing to be gained from hiding information from someone, other than pain when/if they find out. Besides, then neither of us would have to suffer alone.

2. If you had a choice of one intimate "soulmate" and no other close friends, or of no such soulmates and many friends and acquaintances, which would you choose?
Soulmate, without question.

I am, as my husband has coined the phrase, rabidly independent. While I love my friends and acquaintances, I could live without them. I wouldn't like it, but I could do it.

But I couldn't live without my husband. He's my other half, my soulmate, my best friend. Without him, I dwell in darkness. (sorry for the Willow reference!)

3. Which sport would you most like to play professionally?
I don't know that it'd be defined as "play," but I would love to do three-day eventing. It was the equestrian focus of my riding days and my college major. I love the dressage, and though I've never done a real cross country course, I'd love to give it a go. And stadium jumping is old-hat to me.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 13, 2002 9:03 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Take that, Evil-Doer! ZZZZOT!.

The next post in this blog is FFX Sadness.

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