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Thursday's Thumb Activity

1. Would you rather die peacefully among friends at 50, or painfully and alone at 80? Assume that most of those thirty years would be "good" ones.
Peacefully at 50. I don't like pain much when it's happening (who does?), but I tend to forget it when it's gone. Still, I don't see the case for 30 more years if I'm going to be in pain. I could deal with the alone thing.

2. Your teen arrives home one night with a big dent in his car fender. You find out the next day there was a hit-and-run in the neighborhood. Would you try to find out if your kid was involved? If you found out s/he was, would you notify the authorities? What if there was a death from the hit-and-run?
Yes, and yes. Even if a hit-and-run. There is no way that it'd not be caught by the police - covering it up would make it worse. I'd want my kid to fess up to me, to be able to do so with the understanding that I'd be behind him/her all the way, helping them through it all. But you have to take responsibility for your actions, otherwise it'll bite you in the ass, in more ways than one.

3. What would the title of your autobiography be (not including your name)?
Oh dear, I have no clue. (chuckles), okay, would that work as a title? No, I know what I'd use.

The Words That Got Away.

Yeah, I like that.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 27, 2002 11:22 AM.

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