Yesterday, I wanted to work off the points I ate over the weekend, so I asked a co-worker, whom I know walks during lunch many days, if he wanted to walk.
Yes, I know it's 90 degree heat outside.
So he said he was going to walk with another co-worker down to see the Mayflower II, which is docked just down the street from us. Cool, I said, and tagged along. Turns out the Mayflower's going to be in town through the 4th of July.
20 minutes of walking down to the ship, then about 20 minutes of hanging around (it cost $8 to go on board, and I had just done it last year when Lucinda & Grant & kids were visiting), and then 20 minutes back.
I learned I do still walk too fast for most folk. I knew I walked too fast for Lou, but I also walk to fast for others. (sigh)
Today, another co-worker wanted to head down to a clothing store downtown (she uses her credit card as therapy), so I said I'd go with her. That was about 15 minutes of walking there and back, with the rest of the time spent in the store looking at trying on clothes. And Irene taught me to say "I am Julia" in Russian (which I've promptly forgotten) and didn't say I walked too fast.
I am so not the body-type for modern-day fashions. I am too tall, for one thing, and just haven't quite lost enough weight for me to be comfortable in close-fitting clothes.
I tried on two shirts and (ha!) attempted to try on a pair of pants that said they were 13-14. More like kids 13-14. But nothing fit to where I'd feel comfortable wearing it.
So I wonder where I'll walk during lunch tomorrow.
Comments (3)
With you on all counts, except my arthritis has slowed me down. I have to walk with other tall people because short people end up running to keep up with me.
As for the tight-fitting clothes, one of the joys of having hit my mid 30s is no longer caring whether I look like a 22-year-old in a cotton T-shirt with a bit of spandex. And I am almost certainly bigger around/wider than you.
Posted by Ginger | July 2, 2002 2:58 PM
Posted on July 2, 2002 14:58
It doesn't help that Lou has short legs. He's a tall man, but it's all in his torso. So he does get a good work-out when we walk together.
As for the clothes...I think I'm just used to big t-shirts. I'm sure that's part of it. But when the seams for the shoulders are an inch or so in from where I think they should be...I'm just not the right body type.
Posted by Julia | July 2, 2002 9:02 PM
Posted on July 2, 2002 21:02
Don't feel to bad about the pants. Odd numbered clothes (13/14, 7/8) are considered "junior" sizes and designed for teenage girls who are supposed to be narrower and not as curvy as grown up women. So a 13/14 is actually going to be smaller than normal 14 despite being the same size number.
Stupid fashion industry.
Posted by Anne | July 3, 2002 10:20 AM
Posted on July 3, 2002 10:20