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Places Friday Five

A bit late, but done...

1. Where were you born?
Hrm. This used to be an off-the-cuff answer, but with passwords on sites and things these days with identify theft, I don't know that I want to throw it out where it'll be indexed on the web forever. So, let's just say in Alabama. I know, a strange place for such a Northern girl as me, but there you have it.

2. If you still live there, where would you rather move to? If you don't live there, do you want to move back? Why or why not?
I do not live there. My younger sister and I were born there, then the family moved to Maryland, and then to Portsmouth, RI.

I consider Portsmouth my "home town," though I'm currently living in the state next door. I know very little about Alabama, and I don't want to live in the south. Too hot, no (or very little) snow. Or seasons' change. I need my colored fall leaves!

I do wish I could live in Portsmouth again, but unless I win the lottery or a lot of money, it's not likely...it's an expensive suburb. But I really enjoyed it as the town I grown up in.

3. Where in the world do you feel the safest?
Safest? I have no clue...it's never been that important to me, even after 9/11. Maybe right after, it was a thought. But my apartment is safe enough for me.

4. Do you feel you are well-traveled?
Not as much as I used to be. I traveled a lot in my 20s, to meet friends I'd met online. I hit Toronto many times, NYC, the Albany area of NY, and parts of New Jersey (including the wilds). I also applied to colleges in Virginia (where I ended up attending), Western NJ, and Missouri, where my Mom's from. The farthest west I'd been in the US up until this February was Kansas City for my brother's wedding, though. The trip to Las Vegas blew that away. I've also been to GenCon in Milwaukee (soon to be in Indianapolis) and Origins in Columbus. Back and forth to Florida a few times to visit the ex-boyfriend, as well.

However, I have also been on two trips over the Atlantic. The first was to Spain for two weeks, with a day jaunt to Morocco. The second was a tour of England, Ireland and Wales. It was supposed to have an extension in Scotland, but that got messed up and we ended up staying an extra few days to go to Galway and the Connemara region of Ireland, which was an adequate substitute. I haven't done big trips in a long time, though. I do miss it.

I'm hoping to hit California next year, possibly the San Diego Comic Con. Lou's aunt and until live in San Diego, and we may be able to stay with them.

5. Where is the most interesting place you've been?
Morocco, by far. It was such a different culture. The kids I was pesudo-chaperoning at the time didn't like it, couldn't stand it. They wanted their sodas in sparkling clean glasses (when they didn't want to drink out of the bottle provided), and were amazed when they didn't get them that way. The food was excellent - I had my first cous cous - and the atmosphere was fun. The kids also got their first look at "professional" beggars, and how the bigger kids would shove away the younger, smaller ones to get the few coins they suckered the students into giving out.

Would love to go back. I want to walk through the Casbah again, but at a slower pace. With my money firmly attached to me.


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