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Right now, Lou is in the computer room, enjoying Jedi Knight II: Outcast. Finally.

We bought the game back in April, but the video card I had in it wasn't supported. I bought one on eBay, but that didn't work at all in the machine.

It's possible the card I bought off eBay is bad. I gave it to a friend to try in his machine, and it did the same thing. I'm going to bring it into work and put it into the new Dell desktops we just got in, to see if it works at all. If it does, I'll resell it on eBay, if not, well, that's $80 down the drain.

I went through a period where I tried to get a new motherboard after the video card didn't work, but that was a mess as well.

So finally, Kevin let me try his GeForce 2 MX card, and that works fine in the desktop and JKII:Outcast works fine.

One order from PC Connection later, and the GeForce card was here, installed, and working.

I think we're going to have to put off closing off the computer room for a while. Lou wanted to shut the door and turn off the A/C because we haven't been using it much since we both have laptops and the hub out here in the living room. But the wire to the hub runs through the open door to the computer room (I want to drill a hole above the drop ceiling, he's reluctant. Instead, he wants to file/cut a groove in the frame around the door for the wire to set into.).

I did also offer for us to get wireless networking cards and a wireless base station, but he (and rightly so) nixed that idea. At least not yet.

And it's nice enough today that we have the A/Cs turned off, the windows open, and the fans going.

And I have a Beana on my lap as I type this. The temperature has definitely dropped.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 6, 2002 7:57 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Scattered Friday Five.

The next post in this blog is Hazy Day.

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