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Apollo 13

Lou is watching Apollo 13.

This may not seem something to get all excited about, but it is.

He was all set to see this movie when it was coming out in theaters. Then he realized (don't know why he didn't know it before) that it was based on a true story. And suddenly, he lost total interest in seeing the movie.

I have tried, for years, to get him to watch it. My father worked for IBM, and worked on all the Apollo (and Mercury and Saturn, and some of Skylab) missions. He was part of the design team for one of the parts of the rockets - my mother tells me that what he worked on was that scene you always see in movies, the ring that flips off and spins around during one of the rocket separations. I was born where Space Camp is now because of that. My mother has the patches from all the missions framed...they were on the walls in our den when I was growing up.

So you can see that this movie would be kinda neat for me to see, and take my SO along as well.

I saw it in the theater, possibly with friends, I don't recall specifically.

But now, tonight, bored out of his mind, nothing much on TV, I suggest watching Apollo 13, as it's showing on Encore. And he puts it on.


I will go and finish watching it with him, turning off the computer so we can enjoy it together. Yay!

Comments (1)

My ex worked at JSC and knew some of the people involved, and was very enthusiastic about the film. I still haven't seen it; I might someday but it's not a priority.

It was hard for me to get interested because my ex was so pompous about his Very Important NASA Job (it wasn't) and his Very Important NASA Acquaintances. I'm sure you're not a pompous git about it the way my ex was, but that was a real turnoff for me.

I grew up in Houston and was very excited about the space program as a kid, too. Sadly, being around NASA people killed some of the magic for me.

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