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Auto Friday Five

1. Do you have a car? If so, what kind of car is it?
I have a 1999 Dodge Grand Caravan. Lou has a 1994 Dodge Shadow, but we're going to be getting rid of that next year and getting him some form of hybrid.

2. Do you drive very often?
Actually, no. I don't need my car for work, and Lou does, so he drops me off at work and takes the car for the day. And when we go anywhere at other times, he likes to drive. I've given up fighting him for it (for the most part). We do tend to take the van everywhere, especially in the summer, as it's our only car with air conditioning. And I can't drive the Shadow anymore -- the seat's broken and is way too far back from the petals for me to be comfortable. I can do it - I have long legs, but it's not how I like to drive.

3. What's your dream car?
I don't really have one anymore. I always wanted a baby blue Volkswagon Beetle, convertable, when I was growing up. The old style, not the new one. I wouldn't mind having a PT Cruiser, or a nice BWM convertible, but cars aren't my thing.

4. Have you ever received a ticket?
Umm...yes. I have an old radar detector in my car, but it's never used anymore. I bought it to help save me from speeding tickets, which it has done. But it really only works if you pay attention to the sounds it makes when it detects the radar. (embarrassed look)

5. Have you ever been in an accident?
Yes. Many times. Not all my fault, but many were. The last one, however, was totally not my fault and the guy got a citation! Whoo-hoo!

Stupid idiot. He crossed in front of me (though the light said "Yield on Green") and I plowed into the side of his minivan. That held his pregnant wife and his two kids. Idiot.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 16, 2002 9:53 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Day Late Thumbs.

The next post in this blog is Game WISH: Maxims, Part Deux.

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