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Beginning the move

Well, I made the first steps in the move last night.

I have started the process of moving The Black Road's website from HostSave to Hosting Matters.

Damn, but that control panel is easy to use!

I will likely be moving sfad there later this year, when I can afford the package I want to get. SFAD is now hosted by DigitalSpace, and while they've been a great host, I'd like to move to a provider that can give me some things that it can't/doesn't. Like *real* mailing lists. Or real subdomains, not just redirects.

They were great for starting out - a $3/month package is a great way to try out your own domain. I graduated up to their next level plan not long after when they had a special, and it's been doing just fine.

But I'm heading toward needing that change. Not quite yet, but I would imagine before the end of this year, I'll make that move to join the crew at Hosting Matters.

Comments (2)

I dont know which is worse: actually moving your data to a new server, or finding a server you feel good about.

Ugh! If only we could all run our own servers!

Well you will certainly have a good time with Hosting Matters. Excellent people, excellent service. Happy customer.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 27, 2002 8:39 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Changing the World Game WISH.

The next post in this blog is Home Grown Pineapple.

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