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Belated Thumbs

1. You are a state legislator. An industry group offers you a sizable, but legal, political donation, "no strings attached," while you have a bill they favor up before you. Do you accept the donation, or reject it?
Nope, I do not accept the donation. I'll take it after the bill has passed or been rejected, though. But not while it's still being decided.

2. While reading a new book by a famous scholar, whose previous work you've very much admired, you come across multiple passages that seem familiar. You do some digging around and find where the scholar has lifted, almost verbatim and without credit, all those passages from an obscure work by another author. What, if anything, do you do?
I tell my husband and my friends, probably post it on my blog, but I don't do anything else. I'd probably not be the first one who noticed this, I'd imagine.

3. If you were to be forced to have the same thing for dinner every night for a month, what would you choose?
Oooh, tough call. My first pick would be steak or prime rib, but all that beef would kill me after a while. Literally!

I think I'd have to go with pasta. Can I pick different sauces? If not, then I'd go with marinara, very little meat. And a salad. And bread and butter. Mmmm....bread...


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 16, 2002 9:16 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Day Late Thumbs.

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