Have you ever gotten a significant other into gaming? Those of you in "mixed marriages", where one spouse is a gamer and the other isn't, how did you work this out?Well, this WISH doesn't apply to me.
All the serious men in my life were gamers. Alex was the first GM I had (online even), Ken was my first Amber GM, and Lou, the Husband, is both GM and player in my games.
I can't imagine dating, nevermind marrying, a non-gamer. Gaming isn't all of my life (though if you saw how often I gamed, you might think it was), but it is a big part. No, my spouse/SO and I do not have to have the same interests in everything, but in this, they do.
That said, if for some reason I was involved with someone who didn't game, I would try to get them involved. If they didn't enjoy it, then as long as they let me have my fun, I'd be fine with it. But you can't force someone to like gaming.