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Banned Books

Top 100 Banned Books

These are the ones I've read:

And for those of you counting, you'll note that A Wrinkle in Time is not on here. No, I've never read it. I didn't get into fantasy/sf until high school, and then it was Tolkien or nobody. And I never went back and read many of the "classics" of young adult/children's literature.

The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier

I think I had to read this for school, back in (thinks) 6th grade. I don't recall anything about it, though. Maybe it was extra credit.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

School book.

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

Another school book.

Harry Potter (Series) by J.K. Rowling

Not a school book (hee).

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

School book.

Blubber by Judy Blume

Read a lot of Blume, her younger stuff.

The Handmaid﨎 Tale by Margaret Atwood

Good book, okay movie. I did not like the end of the movie, whereas the book ended *perfectly*. Grr.

The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

I think this was a school book too.

Deenie by Judy Blume

Another Blume I read on my own.

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes

This was a school book, and then a play we did in high school.

Sleeping Beauty Trilogy by A.N. Roquelaure (Anne Rice)

Yes. I have these. Yes, I've read them. That is all I will say.

Cujo by Stephen King

I read every Stephen King book up until Tommyknockers, which I tried twice to get through and never could, with the exception of this book. I saw the movie, which scared the dren of out me, and never had any desire to read the book after that, no matter how much of a huge SK fan I was.

Are You There, God? It﨎 Me, Margaret by Judy Blume

Yet another Blume book. This one I remember more vividly than the others.

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

School book. Was not that impressed by it.

Women on Top: How Real Life Has Changed Women﨎 Fantasies by Nancy Friday

Lou had this book when we moved in together. I pick it up and read bits on occasion, but not from beginning to end.

Carrie by Stephen King

In my Stephen King phase. This was book 2 or 3, I think. Christine was first, and then Firestarter, IIRC.

Tiger Eyes by Judy Blume

Hmm...this doesn't sound familiar, I don't think I've read this one.

The Dead Zone by Stephen King

Excellent, *excellent* book. Highly recommended. The movie with Christopher Walken is awesome...oh, and Martin Sheen as a psycho candidate for president! And from what I've seen the TV series isn't bad either. It's just hard to believe that THAT is gawky Anthony Michael Hall!

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain

Oh...probably another school book, but long ago.

Where﨎 Waldo? by Martin Hanford

Umm...I've looked through the books...but HOW by the goes was this banned?? Unless it was for obsessive staring and not paying attention in class!!

Comments (9)


It was banned because in a beach scene, a woman is jumping up because cold water is being duped on her back, and she is semi-topless.

Now, you know how small those background characters are. Somewhere there is a picture of it, greatly magnified so you can actually see it.

*shakes head*

So, did you just watch the play Flowers for Algernon, or did you perform in it?

Yes, I was in it. I had a role as one of Charlie's friends who sees him when he's gotten all smart. Bernice.

I did small roles in HS plays. Biggest role was in 12 Angry Jurors (as the Foreman), but that was in the non-senior only cast when I was a senior. We had enough people interested in drama at that point that we had a cast of all seniors who did the play Friday and Saturday, and then the non-seniors-only cast did the Sunday matinee.


does anyone know anything about y judy blumes "TIGER EYES" was banned? or anything about her?


i hate all u gay ass parents who ban books even tho they all suck ne ways no im stuck readin and doin research for a school project on this crap damn u cujo woof


Is the Dead Zone a real thriller? I've noticed a lot of websites saying that it is banned because of its violent content and "filthy" language. Maybe you don't notice them while you're reading? Besides, Stephen King uses language like that in many of his books, right? Anyway, the moral of this comment was to ask "If I read the Dead Zone, will I be scared shitless?"

Ams - it depends on what scares you. :) It's not bloody or gory or anything that you might expect from a Stephen King book. It's more of a thriller where the protagonist is someone who sees the future, and what he sees can be scary. Especially when he sees what a potential presidental candidate might do.

There may be filthy language in it; I haven't read it in a while, and I don't tend to notice such things.

I love this website. It shows someones true opinion towards book banning, not some copy righted quote. You are guarenteed to see me here again.


frano the flamingo


quite honestly, there are some books that are banned for the most atrocious simple reasons.im mean, dont get me wrong,some books really should be banned,but why cant we just look at what the book has to teach us instead of harping on the most insignificant of its flaws?

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