If only this was a USB hub, then I'd buy it in a heartbeat. I really don't need a four-port firewire hub.
Courtesy of TidBITS, my boss, and Jack Gulick, who really needs to start his own blog, the Non-Euclidean Staircase.
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If only this was a USB hub, then I'd buy it in a heartbeat. I really don't need a four-port firewire hub.
Courtesy of TidBITS, my boss, and Jack Gulick, who really needs to start his own blog, the Non-Euclidean Staircase.
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 26, 2002 6:13 PM.
The previous post in this blog was LEGO Heaven.
The next post in this blog is Thick Thumbs.
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