Star Wars: Collecting | LEGO Ultimate Collector Star Destroyer
Oh, I SO want this!
†Experienced the full might of the Empire's powerful warship with LEGO's upcoming Ultimate Collectors series Imperial Star Destroyer set. With over 3,000 bricks, this is the biggest LEGO kit ever sold. When completed, the Star Destroyer is almost a meter (three feet) long. The set comes complete with a display stand and placard.Adds to Christmas listBased on the design of the Devastator, Darth Vader's Star Destroyer in Episode IV, the vessel includes a mini-model of the Tantive IV, Princess Leia's Rebel blockade runner seen at the start of A New Hope. The blockade runner, only available with the Star Destroyer, is the first of an upcoming collection of similar-sized mini-vehicles.
Courtesy of Slashdot.
Comments (2)
I think you should give Heinlein credit for your website's name.
Posted by Jessica | December 9, 2002 12:16 AM
Posted on December 9, 2002 00:16
I did mention it, early in the setup of this blog:
But it's really Committee for Aesthetic Deletions, my husband remembered it incorrectly. I did finally skim some Heinlein to find the exact quote.
Posted by Julia | December 9, 2002 8:34 AM
Posted on December 9, 2002 08:34