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Monday Mission

[sort of a first-timer...I answered one once long ago. Have now decided to add it in as a regular thing.]

PromoGuy's Monday Mission 2.35

1. What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you on a date?
These things don't apply to me. See, I never dated. I pretty much went from having no boyfriend to seeing him exclusively for a long-term period of time.

2. Do you eat your veggies?
All save lima beans and brussel sprouts!

3. Most people are comfortable going to the bathroom in front of at least one person. Has anyone ever used the restroom in front of you that you wish wouldn't have? What happened and how bad was it?
Nope, not that I recall, anyway.

4. Have you ever had a bad online transaction? You know, the item wasn't what you thought it would be, you got totally ripped-off, no refunds, it just plain sucked? What's the story there?
Again, no. I've been very lucky.

5. Ever have a current love find any old love letters (or similar item) you kept that probably should have been thrown away? How did that turn out?
No. Actually, I threw away a whole bunch of old cards and letters from the boyfriend previous to the husband, because I thought the husband would be upset by them. We talked later, and he said he would have been fine with me keeping them. I guess I should have asked first!

6. A secretary at work was telling me about a trip she took to Mardi Gras. She showed off her beaded necklaces and proudly said she "earned' each and every one of them (for those not familiar with this tradition, ladies walking up Burbon St. in New Orleans will flash people who are upon the balconies, in return the guys will throw them worthless plastic necklaces). I was shocked, I had no idea this quiet gal had a wild side. Was there ever a time when you did something totally outrageous because you knew no one would know who you were, or maybe didn't care even if they did?
Nope. Wow, lots of "no" answers this week. I wish I was a bit more outrageous when I was younger, but the Catholic Guilt kept me pretty well in line. I'd do some things now, if I but had the opportunity.

7. Hey, what happened to you last night? I waited forever!
I was here! Where were you??

BONUS: I know I could break you down, but what good would it do?
Darn, had to look this one up. I'm usually good about these bonuses, too.

Anyway...what are you thinking? There are some things you can't hide.

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Glad to see you have returned! Stay longer this time!!!

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