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As those close to me know, my husband's brother is a wrestler. No, not like the kind you see in the Olympics.

The kind you see on the WWE.

He has been on TV twice; once in a "filler match" on the WWF when they were in Providence just as wrestling was becoming hella popular again. He didn't have a "name," just called Bob Evans, and his match was against a wrestler named Atom Bomb. And yes, he lost. I have this on video somewhere.

He's been called a few times again and gone, but never made it into the ring. He was on TV again though, as part of a posse, designed to taunt the other wrestlers his guy was fighting. I did not see this, nor have it on tape, but my in-laws do, somewhere.

He has chosen to keep on with his wrestling, but from the other side of things. He has opened up a school, Slamtech, to teach people professional wrestling.

And the local paper, The Providence Journal, has done an article [free registration required] on his school.

Alas, the pictures in the actual newspaper didn't make it into the online version, but it's still a neat read. If you're interested in this kind of thing.

Comments (2)

I've actually long admired the physical training (and, perhaps, thespian training) needed in the pro wresting circuit. In a lot of ways, it's tougher to *look* like you're trying to cripple a guy than to actually do it.

Bobby is *very* fit, and works hard to stay that way. And yes, the working hard to make sure you *don't* cripple the guy is very difficult!

But he's also a big ham. I've seen him wrestle in person a few times, and it's always been hysterical. And fun. He does a good job.

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