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PromoGuy's Monday Mission 2.41

1. What's the most expensive meal you've ever eaten? What was the occasion? Was it worth it?


Just me, or with a group of people? Or just Lou and me? I could see lots of different possibilities here...

Well, back when the Milwaukee Hilton had Benson's and not the trendy upscale steakhouse they have now, we had a $100 or so meal. Great steak, appetizers, desserts, etc. We had that as our treat to ourselves on the last night of our GenCon stays.

We also eat at the Fireside (a local place with excellent prime rib), for anniversaries and birthdays.

And yes, they've all been worth it.

When we go out with Lou's parents, they tend to pick up the checks, so I have no idea on the cost.

2. What do you like to do when nobody is looking?


3. What's your special purpose?

Don't know yet. Maybe someday it'll make itself known.

Though I could say it's to keep Lou believing in himself.

4. Do you like Autumn? If so, why? If not, tell me about your favorite season.

Love Autumn in New England. Not as much elsewhere. But my favorite season is Winter in New England. With snow. If it doesn't have snow, and a good amount...it ain't winter.

5. Ever recommended a movie to someone only to have them hate it? Which movie? Did you feel uncomfortable about that?

Heh...yes. I had Lou watch Moonstruck because I remembered it as being hysterical.

It was awful on rewatching, and I'm a Nicolas Cage fan. I apologized to him, and I vow when we find one of those movies again, I'll watch it first again before having him see it.

There may be other movies I've recommended that people have hated, but I usually tell them to talk to the hand. They obviously have no clue or appreciation for Real Art (like Tremors, or Undercover Blues).

6. I've had hay fever all day! Sniffles, sneezing, I tell ya, it's awful! Do you have any allergies? Anything that just gets you down for the count?

I'm allergic to penicillin, as is Lou actually. Though I may not be allergic, my mother told me much later. The reaction may have been not for the penicillin, but for what it was fighting at the time. I mentioned it to my allergist (when I was having this problem, but he said it wasn't worth trying to go through a potentially deadly result when there are so many other antibiotics that can be used.

7. Do you like mixed drinks? What is your favorite? As long as we're here how about you order me something too? Just "surprise me!"

BONUS: Why do we scream at each other?

This is what it sounds like when doves cry, hon. Deal with it.

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There are actually people who hate Undercover Blues?


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