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PromoGuy's Monday Mission 2.43

1. Ever do anything over and over just to make someone else happy but discover you actually hate it?

Nope. I have difficulty hiding my feelings for long, so if I didn't like it, they'd know before I repeated it too often.

And I'd probably just tell them.

2. What kinds of obligations do you enjoy?

Family gatherings. Work when it *works* (got the firewall issues fixed! Ha, Brown, we TOLD you it was you! *sticks out tongue*)

If I've committed myself to something, then it's an obligation. So all of my games fall into that category.

3. What are your feelings about celebrating Halloween?

I love it. I wish I got more into it. But that's explained in another post, so see here.

I have a whole box of Halloween decorations in the attic. We have more for Christmas of course (my mother-in-law insisted on giving us ornaments for presents for the first few years we were in our apartment. We finally had to ask her to stop...we don't have room for a tree that big!), but Halloween is my second favorite holiday, not that it is one, but you know what I mean.

4. Are there any stories of bodily functions you would prefer people not share with you in conversation?

If I don't like something, I'll tell someone to stop. But I'm pretty open. However, I don't care to know what your dren looks like, so you can leave that out of the description, thanks.

5. What do you think is the most important aspect of personal hygiene that bothers you when people overlook it?

Eh, nothing, really. I don't have one particular thing that annoys me. I mean, I go to GenCon, which doesn't have the unwashed masses that comics conventions has (at least not since more women got involved in the hobby), but there are always exceptions.

Just make sure you smell okay, and I'll be fine.

6. Ponder the thought of being forever young, living on endlessly, being immortal. What would that life be like for you?

Boring after a time. I'd enjoy it at first, of course. Can I be undying too? So not only do I not get old, but I don't die (or I come back to life if I do die). I'd have to have that to go along with it.

There can be only one, after all.

7. What's the last thing you felt was "worth fighting for?"

Getting the promotion at my office. I'd worked hard and long for this, dammit, and I was ready to fight! Or to use an OVERused cliche, go to the mattresses!

And if Lou's job doesn't improve, he may find me ready to fight for him to get the recognition he deserves. (hmmph!)

BONUS: Sooner or later, they all will be gone...why don't they stay young?

Because then we'd all be like the kids from Miri. And we wouldn't want that now, would we?


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 28, 2002 2:25 PM.

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