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RSS Feed

I now have an RSS feed available for those interested. It's always kinda been there, just not advocated.

Since I have become a fan of NetNewsWire Lite, I am now looking for more blogs and newsy bits to add to it, and have made sure my own feed is available.

You can find the link below in the sidebar, or simply use this one.

If anyone knows of a good RSS newsreader for Windows, please let me know.

Comments (2)

Windows users I know have recommended Amphetadesk. There's also supposed to be some web-based newsreaders. I don't know anything about those.

If you like actual newsfeeds, I recommend newsisfree.com, where you can get feeds from CNN, the BBC, and lots of other news organizations.

Also, Starwars.com has a feed. :)

Oh, Morbus is gonna kill me...

I'll download it tonight at home. I was so used to his Mac versions it never occurred to me to check for a Windows version. Thanks, Ginger!

*off to check for the starwars feed*

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 29, 2002 10:24 AM.

The previous post in this blog was PromoGuy's Monday Mission 2.43.

The next post in this blog is Speaking of RSS....

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