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Day Late Thumbs

1. Would it disturb you much if, upon your death, your body were simply thrown into the woods and left to rot? Why?

It would depend on how I died, or why. If it was from murder, then yes, it'd bother me. If it's the future way of disposing bodies, then I don't think so.

To quote Yoda - "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter." My spirit/soul has passed, the body is an empty shell.

Oh, and I'd also regret that my organs wouldn't be donated, which I have elected to have done after I die.

2. The head of the Postal Service calls you up and tells you that you've been chosen at random to create a postage stamp with anyone or anything on it. What would you choose?

Oh, I don't know. Lou said he'd put a d20, with the 20 on top, of course. I think I'd do some sort of abstract art. Ooh, how about a Salvadore Dali stamp? Some of his art would be really funky. Of course, they've probably already done that...

So I'll go with a birch tree. In New England, a series of them. Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.

3. What's the longest line you've ever stood in?

Time or length? Length, I think it'd have to be when I saw The Empire Strikes Back, lo those many years ago. Time, it'd probably be waiting to see Episode I. While I didn't camp out, I think we were two hours early.

In chatting with Lou, he's reminded me of the HUGE line at GenCon this year for prereg, which beats all lines hands down. And the lines at amusement parks are long, but they're hard to tell, because they wrap so much. The line for the Batman: The Ride roller coaster at Six Flags in New Jersey was really long, time and length-wise.


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