Today's question is about your heart character. The heart character rests on the idea that over the course of a gaming career, players would revisit certain themes that were important to them for some reason, and that one or two characters in particular would embody those themes or ideas. Whatever it was about the heart character(s) would draw the player back to those themes.This was a tough one for me, in that I had to really think about all the old characters I played, to see if any had a theme. I asked Lou for help, and after he thought about it a bit, we determined that angst was my only key ingredient.Do you have a heart character? More than one? If so, what makes that character a heart character? If you don't have one, do you think there are themes you revisit with your characters? Or do you think this entire theory is full of it, and if you do, why?
Though I didn't plan anything but that the character have some sort of angst (I need the hook to really get into the character), a lot of them seem to be related to unrequited love.
In the game from where my email handle comes (Glyneth), the character in question was striving to remain a virgin in a RuneQuest world (of the GM's own creation - NOT Glorantha). If she did, and she reached runelord level, she'd get a unicorn, just like her mentor, Poppy. She didn't expect that along the way she'd fall for another PC, a man named Abegend. The game underwent some serious changes over the years, and Foonman (who played Abe) left Compuserve. Before he left, it was a very close thing as to whether or not Glyneth would give in to her "base" desires" or stay true to herself.
More recently, I played a character named Brianna Merrick in a AD&D game (2nd Ed, before 3e came out) who had an unhealthy attraction to her brother, and was trying hard to stamp down on it (now that I think about it, Bree was also a paladin-type like Glyneth, but different worlds and different GMs made them very different characters). Not long into the game, her brother Collwyn started showing signs of being not-all-human, and it turns out he was half-elven. And then our parents told us we were both adopted! So she could act on it, and not feel guilty. And eventually she did, because Coll gave in, sorta (there's a long story behind this that I won't get into here), but the love should have remained unrequited. It ended up causing all sorts of problems.
And then, after that game was over and we were onto the next one, Lou told me that Bree and Coll were actually half-siblings, having the same father. I don't think Bree has ever forgiven their father for not telling them (not that he knew, but still...).
In a current PBeM I'm playing, the theme has come back again. Saelin has a major longing for the NPC that he "saved," and she in turn "saved" him. It's more complicated than that, but I did want to mention it as another character with said theme. I'm sure I have others too, but those are the ones that come to mind as I think about this question.
I guess I really like the "torn between keeping your feelings hidden or letting them out to possible rejection" theme, as well as the "I'm not good enough for my love" theme in my characters. I'll probably keep coming back to those...I can get good angst out of them.