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PromoGuy's Monday Mission 2.44

1. Have you ever had to appear in court? What was the reason? How did it turn out?

Only for jury duty!

2. Ever been accused of something you never did? Were you able to convince anyone?

Oh, probably as a kid growing up. I was the sixth of seven kids, I know I got blamed a lot for things I didn't do. Managed to survive just fine, even if I didn't ever convince anyone.

3. When it comes to crime and punishment, do you agree with the saying "An eye for an eye?"

Not always. But in some cases, yes. Those cases would involve me or those close to me personally. Yes, it's not very fair, but what can I say? It's personal.

4. Are you a judgemental person? Do you ever make up your mind about a person before you know them? When was the last time that happened? Or if not, how do you keep from being judgemental?

No, I'm not really judgemental. I may have some preconceived notions about some people, but I'm always ready to have them proven wrong.

I just try to keep an open mind.

5. When I was in 6th grade I lit a match in class accidentally and was given the choice of having my folks called or getting 10 "swats." I took swats and damn, that wooden paddle with the holes drilled in it hurt like hell (not to mention the horible whistling sound it made before impact). I don't think they allow "swats" anymore. Ever get "swats" at school? How do you feel about children being spanked in school. Is it best that they don't do that anymore? How about parents spanking kids? Good or bad?

Nope, no swats at school. I don't think schools should be disciplining kids that way. That's not for them to handle, it should be a parental decision.

Parents should keep the option open and it shouldn't be the first, or only, punishment.

6. What is your favorite "Chick Flick?"

Tough call. I think I have to go with The Cutting Edge. "Toe pick..."

7. Describe the last situation you were in that can best be summed up by the phrase "seemed like a good idea at the time?"

Can't think of one off the top of my head, so I'd have to say it was pretty long ago.

BONUS: Who will bury us when we die?

I'm hoping to not be buried, but be cremated. Ashes put into the soil surrounding a newly-planted birch tree.

But other than that...If you've got the brawn, I've got the brains. Let's make lots of money.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 10, 2002 10:19 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Catch-up Thumbs.

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