1. When I was a teenager, I used to ride all the "spin-y" rides at the fair and fun parks. I'd never get dizzy or sick, and I could ride them all day. My favorite was the Tilt-A-Whirl. Now I should call it the "Tilt-A-Hurl" because it seems I can't even get on a Merry-Go-Round without feeling queasy. Is there anything you used to be able to do physically that you no longer can? What changed?
I'm very similar in that rides that I used to have no problem with left me feeling queasy. The first time I noted it was years ago...so long that Rocky Point Amusement Park was where I got sick. The ride, which I had previously loved, The Enterprise (the ride at the top of this pic), made me so ill when I left that I headed to the restroom and tossed my lunch. Now, it could have been because I had just eaten lunch, but I don't know. And I don't think I went back to Rocky Point to check again before it closed.
I also can't read in the car most of the time. I know I was able to do this before, but now it can make me feel really ill. I've tried adjusting the position where I hold the book/paper/whatever, and that helps. Only problem is that sometimes I block the side mirror so that Lou can't see it.
And horseback ride without any problems. I've lost all the muscles for that. I took a lesson again SOME years ago and just couldn't sit the trot anymore. I had no muscles, couldn't find the rhythym, and was all over the place. *sighs*
2. If you could go to lunch with someone famous, anyone living or dead, who would you choose? What questions would you ask them?
Joss Whedon. I'd love to pick his brain about Buffy, Angel, and Firefly.
3. On that same thought, there are probably several Bloggers you enjoy reading but have never met in real life. Which one Blogger would you most like to meet for dinner? Why did you pick that person? What would you talk about? What do you have in common? What would you do after dinner?
Dinner? Oh, that's easy. ***Dave, hands-down. Margie would have to cook dinner, because I've heard nothing but raves about it. And I'd get to see the Kitten. And Doyce would hopefully be there, killing two blogger birds with one stone, so to speak.
We'd talk about gaming, TV shows that we like, writing, computer stuff, etc. Life in Denver, hopefully I'd get to talk about life in New England.
After dinner, we'd game some sort of game, or just chat with a nice glass or two of wine and maybe some cookies or something desserty.
4. Money (or the lack thereof) is the number one cause of arguments amongst couples. Do you find this to be true? If there really was a "Money Tree" you could go an pick, would this really solve a couple's problems?
It can, but it's not the root of the problem. Money may be the root of all evil, but it's not the cause of a breakup.
Now that said, if you tell me where the tree is, I'll be sure to pick sparingly.
5. Speaking of arguments, have you ever been drawn into any nasty, hateful arguments? The kind where hurtful things were said that had nothing to do with the fight at hand? What was that all about? How did it turn out?
Yeah, I'm sure I have. Most of the time the nasty, hurtful things get said at that time because they've built-up in the person's mind, and they just explode out.
But I'm not recalling any specific time.
6. When was the last time you had to admit you were wrong about something? How did that go?
It takes a lot for me to admit I'm wrong about something. I usually have it dragged out of me, kicking and screaming. Lou's nice enough not to gloat about it when he's right.
But it happens so rarely... (hides from husband)
7. Now for a slight change of theme....what song should never have been written?
That Ketchup Song thing. Or the Chicken Dance song. It's a toss-up.
BONUS: Are you ready for a new sensation?
Only if I can have it in excess.
Comments (2)
Well, now I just have figure out how to get there. Or get you here ...
Posted by *** Dave | November 21, 2002 3:23 PM
Posted on November 21, 2002 15:23
I'm going to push for SANS training next year (boss had it this year, in Denver), so maybe I can shoot for another Denver session.
It's either that, or San Diego, where I can meet up with Lou's aunt & uncle.
Posted by Julia | November 21, 2002 3:31 PM
Posted on November 21, 2002 15:31